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Products 1-15 of 15
Replacement Tube - Half Dollar

Item: 7044.5

Availability: In Stock
Downey-Johnson Item #: 7044.5 -

Half Dollar size replacement tube for the electric coin counter (item 7044)

Semacon Manual Coin Counter S-15

Item: 102600

Retail: $799.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102600 -

The Semacon Series Heavy Duty Manual and Electric/Manual Coin Counters offer high speed, accuracy and portability in a durable, compact design. The S-15 is a manual coin counter with bagging functions. It is used for portable or stationary applications. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Semacon Manual Coin Counter S-25

Item: 102650

Retail: $850.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102650 -

The Semacon Series Heavy Duty Manual and Electric/Manual Coin Counters offer high speed, accuracy and portability in a durable, compact design.The S-25 is a manual coin counter with bagging and packaging/wrapping functions. It comes with 6 batch settings for packaging and is used for portable or stationary applications. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Semacon Electric/Manual Coin Counter S-35

Item: 102700

Retail: $1,075.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102700 -

The Semacon S-45 Series Heavy Duty Manual and Electric/Manual Coin Counters offer high speed, accuracy and portability in a durable, compact design. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Semacon Electric/Manual Coin Counter S-45

Item: 102800

Retail: $1,395.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102800 -

The Semacon S-45 Series Heavy Duty Manual and Electric/Manual Coin Counters offer high speed, accuracy and portability in a durable, compact design. The S-45 is an electric or manual coin counter with bagging and packaging/wrapping functions. It comes with 6 batch settings for packaging, and it is designed for portable or stationary applications. Offsorter function separates coins by size. Available in 110 volt or 220 volt models. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Semacon S-120 Portable Electric Coin Counter with Batching/Packaging/Offsorter

Item: 103800

Retail: $895.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 103800 -

Semacon S-120 TableTop Portable Electric Coin Counter with batching/ packaging/ offsorter features an offsort function that separates large coins from smaller ones. With its exceptional durability, the S-120 counts up to 2,000 coins per minute. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Semacon S-140 Electric Coin Counter with Batching/Packaging/Offsorter, Large Hopper

Item: 103850

Retail: $1,095.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 103850 -

Semacon S-140 TableTop Electric Coin Counter with batching/packaging/offsorter and a large hopper features ultra-high speed at a much quieter sound level than other brands. With its exceptional durability, the S-140 counts up to 1.800 coins per minute. Call for a FREE 7-day demo evaluation!

Heavy Duty Coin Sorter & Value Counter

Item: 103000

Retail: $1,795.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 103000 -

The Semacon S-500 Series Heavy Duty Mixed Coin Sorter and Value Counter offers intelligent cash management for all five U.S. coin denominations in a durable compact design. Sorts mixed US penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar coins. Displays count and dollar value for each denomination and total value.

Cent Packaging Tube

Item: 102850

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102850 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Nickel Packaging Tube

Item: 102860

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102860 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Dime Packaging Tube

Item: 102870

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102870 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Quarter Packaging Tube

Item: 102880

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102880 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Half Dollar Packaging Tube

Item: 102890

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102890 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Sm. Dollar Packaging Tube

Item: 102900

Retail: $12.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 102900 -

Packaging/Wrapping Tubes for Coin CountersPackaging Tubes for use with all Semacon Coin Counters with coin packaging/wrapping function. Available for US, Canadian, Euro and many other coins

Crimp Heads for Semacon CM-75 - Half Dollar

Item: 104050

Retail: $39.00
Availability: Back Order
Semacon Item #: 104050 -

Half Dollar Crimp Head for Semacon CM-75 Coin Wrapper Crimping System. Transline carries modern U.S. coin crimp heads, but we can other sizes from the manufacturer. The Semacon CM-75 System was wholly made in the USA.